Note how Flex calls all three invalidation methods when the text for the label is set. 当标签的文本设置之后,注意Flex如何调用这3个失效方法。
IDSLBACWRITESET: Each set component of the user security label must include the set component of the data security label to allow access to data. IDSLBACWRITESET:要访问数据,用户安全标签的每个集合组件必须包括数据安全标签的集合组件。
Clearly label the test and production systems with a different set of security identities. 使用不同的安全身份集来标识测试和生产系统。
There are three types of security label components: array, set, and tree. 有三种类型的安全标签组件:数组、集合和树。
This still leaves you with the odd label at11 that was set up originally. 这仍然出现在刻度11处存在最初设置的标签这样的错误。
The labels for a slider are generated whenever the label table is set. 每当设置标签表时就生成滑块的标签。
Set security label component: A set is an unordered list of elements. 集合安全标签组件:集合是一组无序的元素。
The label of the link is also set to the oslc_cm: label attribute. 链接的标签也会被设置为oslccm:label属性。
Pickles were produced upon it, in great wholesale jars, with'dealer in all kinds of Ships'Provisions'on the label; spirits were set forth in case bottles with no throats. 酸菜是用很大的批发的坛子端到餐桌上来的,坛子上贴着印有“经销船上各种食品”字样的标签;烈酒是用没有瓶颈的方瓶子端上的。
Type any information that you want to appear on every label in the set. 键入您希望在标签集中的每个标签上显示的任何信息。
The fixed form advertising label is set on the top part and bucket wall of drinking machine bucket. 固定式广告标贴设置在饮水机水桶的顶部和桶壁上;
CIMJETTM label printing and label application systems set to run high performance and super-stability line in one, to prolonged and continuous work. CIMJETTM标签打印及贴标应用系统集极高的在线运行性能和超级稳定性于一体,能够持久不断地工作。
If you saved the label publication after you generated the first set of labels, you can quickly create another set. 如果在生成了第一组标签后保存了标签出版物,可以快速创建另一组标签。
Changing character encoding now updates the topic, and there is a drop-down on the nickname label to set yourself away and change nick. 转换字符编码已提上日程,以及在用户昵称下方增加一个标志来设置离线和更改自己的昵称。
This example uses the LABEL element and the ACCESSKEY attribute to set focus on a text box. 下面的例子使用了LABEL元素和ACCESSKEY属性设置文本框的焦点。
Thus, a control defines a smaller user interface element, such as a button, label or tab set. 这样,control会定义更小的用户界面元素,像按钮、标签和表格等等。
In order to solve the problem that uncertain circumstances sometimes can not supply precise numerical values to the truth and false membership degrees of vague set, this paper puts forward the linguistic label vague ( LLV) set. 为了解决不确定环境有时不能提供给Vague集的真、假隶属度以精确数字值的问题,文中提出了语言标记Vague(LinguisticLabelVague,LLV)集。
Design and implementation of Graphical Label Set Tool ( GLSTool) based on VC 基于VC的图形标识工具GLSTool设计与实现
Linguistic Label Vague Set and Its Application 语言标记Vague集及其应用
In selecting vectors, the algorithm also uses the class label of training set and the judgment information of class mean vector. 在特征向量的选择中,本算法还用到了训练集的类别标签和类别平均向量的判别信息。
Each class is considered as a generalized fuzzy class, and the segmented image is regarded as a generalized fuzzy set on the label set in the proposed algorithm. 该算法是首先把每一个分割类看作是广义模糊类,并以最大后验概率(MAP)为判别准则来决定每一个像素值的归类以及它属于该类的隶属度;
Then, we use the method of manual annotation to label the data set into three categories according to the sentiment polarity ( positive, neutral and negative). 然后,使用人工标注的方法根据情感极性把采集到的数据集标注成3类(正向,中立和负向)。
Proximity pattern is a vertex label set which is both tight and frequent. 近邻模式是一个由顶点标签构成的集合,这些标签在图中联系紧密且频繁。
From the mapping perspective, a classifier model can be regarded as a mapping from the data space to the label set, and the training process of a classifier can be regarded as searching the hypotheses space for the appropriate one. 在映射视角下分类模型可被看作从数据空间到标签集的映射,分类器的训练过程可被看作在假设空间中搜索最优假设的过程。
An ending label is set for each word when building the dictionary and the parents of the word transition variable are altered. 该模型在构建词典时为每一个词设定一个结束标记,相应地改变模型结构中词转移变量的父节点。
For every category, if the membership degree is greater than or equal to the threshold, then the label of text for the category is set to 1, else 0. 如果隶属度大于该类的判断阈值,则将该类的标记置为1,否则为O。
According to the system test and evaluation results, preliminary synthesizer constructed is improved in three aspects of the label, context attributes and question set. 2. 根据系统测试和评测的结果,从标注、上下文属性和问题集三个方面对初步构建的合成器进行了改进。
Given a query label set R and a distance constrain ζ, conducting proximity query on an uncertain graph G is to find some vertex subsets of G that whose label set contains R and for any two vertices in it, the distance between them can not exceed ζ. 给定一个查询标签集R和距离约束ζ,在不确定图G上进行近邻查询就是要找到标签集包含R并且任意两个顶点间距离不超过ζ的匹配顶点子集。
It assigns the whole label set to each pixel at first, splits the label set into two subsets and discards the one with higher cost of assigning it to the pixel iteratively, until each subset contains only one label. 首先将整个标号集赋给每个像素,然后将标号集一分为二成为两个子标号集并舍弃其中一个子集,如此循环直至标号集仅含一个标号为止。
Typically, for each class, the most confident unlabeled sequence, together with its predicted label, is added to the labeled training set. 通常,将每类中置信度最高的未标记序列及其预测的类别添加到训练集中。